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What is real?

Real is everything that actually exist and we can feel by using 5 sense (see,smell, listen. taste, touch). However, there are some exception.
For example, we can not sense air molecule like oxygen, nitrogen and so on. But air is actually exist.
Then, How do we justify the real?
I think that it is difficult to justify "real" and "real" is corelated to "knowledge". The more our knowledge, the larger the range of real. As technology is developed, we can sense more things. For example, in past, we don't know about tiny things like DNA, molecule, and electron. However, we develope microscope and X-rays. And now, we can see these things and think that theses things exist. Also we don't know about large things like Universe. However, now, we go to universe and research about universe. Like this, we encounter new reality as developing technology. Although the reality was exist in past, we don't perceive the things. Howeve, by using new technology, we perceive the things and accept as real.
As a result, I think that "real" is not only everything that can be perceived by 5 sense but also everything that have possibility that can be perceived in future.