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Mina Park


What is real Eassay


           It is very ambiguous to define what the reality is, because even the same condition, that state can be real or fictitious. For example, cyber yeast, this simulation creature exists in side of cyber world, being composed of zero and one. Computer conveys human order to cyber yeast and translates into zero and one, which they can understand. It can develop itself and produce their next generation. Then is this“real” yeast? Answer can be yes or no. As I explained, this can be different by condition where the answerers’ place.

           When I start thinking about relation between cyber yeast and human, I realized that this relation is similar to relation between human and God. Firstly, when thinking about god and human, people believe that they receive God’s commend as human send commend to cyber yeast. Second, we cannot sure whether God exist or not, as cyber yeast cannot recognize human. Human can observe the yeast’s behavior through the monitor, but yeast cannot watch people and that makes yeast think (if they can think) it is not sure whether human exist somewhere or not, because they have no clear clue to determine their mind about the existence of some creatures that continuously giving them the order. This aspect looks similar to human thinking about the God. Some people believe God gives human some message and even they think God use the language. Language that is communication method between human, but we cannot sure God(or Gods) use the language. Cyber yeast communicate in Zero and one, while we communicate in programming language, but this yeast does not know about programming or computer, so it might think the commander use the same communication system.

           As I wrote through the example of cyber yeast, reality is very ambiguous the aspect of answerer’s position. Yeast might think their world is real, and in my condition, yeast is just a computer program while this world which I continuously interacting is the real world. The God might think that human is just a lower dimensional creature while their world is full of reality. Thus I will say that real is not the absolute concept but the relative concept.