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Lim Doyeon


 Bioinformatics is addition two word, biology and informatics. Bioinformatics deal with biological information(genomic information etc.). Usually this information is analyzed by computer technology(information technology). However, in traditional biology field also deal with biological data and get the information and work with it, expert JongBhak said "Biology is Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics is Biology".



Principles of Bioinformatics



 Process of making program. It could be the one format of communication. We translate human's language into computer language. picture in bellow shows translation of High-level Language into Low-level language. We can program with different High-level language (C/C++, Perl, Java etc.). Since now, programming is one-way communication because programmer write the language to make programm and computer do what programmer ask.


Process of creating(Programming) the artificial organism(Program). Bioprogramming is part of programming but handle the biological data and make bio-program(alias artificial organism). Difference between real organism and artificial organism is, organism is made of organic materials and artificial organism is composed of 0 and 1. Biological data can be information of existing organism like  genomic data, muscle movement data, connectome etc. By modeling existing organism, we can make it live inside cyberspace and also we can even create entirely new organism (homo sapiens with wings). To bio-program, researchers commonly use Perl, and made a library "BioPerl" to make bio-programming easy.

Artrificial Organism

Caenorhabditis elegans(C.elegans)

▲Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)                                                 ▲ Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)  -Anatomical picture
Caenorhabditis elegnas has ~1000 cells, 302 neurons, 50k synapses, 95 muscles. All the connectome and anatimic structure is opened, so it became first artificial organism. 

Cyber C. elegans

 There are many researches about Cyber C.elegans. I also called as openworm. Openworm is name of project to make C.elegans in robotic, graphic and may other ways and the name of the cyber C.elegans at the same time. It is 'Open'worm because every structure of C.elegans is open to public and the code to make C.elegans is also accessible to everyone. 
▲ Connectome of the C.elegans                                                                                                                           ▲Cell linkage map
In cyberspace, C.elegans has exactly same informations with real C.elegans like you can see in above(connectome and cells). It moves, thinks, and reproduction as real one
Also we can apply neuronal information to robot. Existing artifical intelligence(AI) have a "right answer" to certain stimuli like 'move left when you meet the wall'. Programmer designed the Algorithm to do the task. These days, AI gather the data and learn itself. But It still need some learning algorithm which programmer is made. Contrary to existing Artificial Algrithm, bellow video shows the robot with neuronal information of C.elegans. It THINK to avoid the wall, even though there was no command of programmer.
Also, we can create the new spieces using C.elegans information. Below picture, C.elegans have five artificial arms which is made based on existing muscle information.
▲C.elegans with five arms




What is Reality

 I will see what is ‘virtual’ which is antonym of ‘Real’. Virtual is something that made, done, seen etc. on the Internet or a computer. Due to the appearance of computer, people had to make the word to divide cyber space and non-cyber space. So, the word “Real” is just matter of classification. Before, people could experience the virtual world by using only visual information. That was big difference between real and virtual. However, these days, people can experience the cyber space by using almost every sensory system. Also can communicate using biological information(e.g. EEG). In this reason the barrier between real and non-real is ambiguous and divide to into different word is useless. In conclusion, “real” world is the world we can experience and perceive in our sensory and neural system and also give a feedback by neural, motor and other biological system.





Epigenomics and Phenomics

Canceromics and Geromics
