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All the videos for Genomics 2021 in one big page


Jong Bhak's 2021 Genomics Lecture videos. All on this page.

UNIST Genomics course 2021  |   Jong Bhak's Genomics Syllabus

Genomics intro: 

Genome sequencing: Try to understand what a string/sequence is. How do we sequence DNA, RNA, and Proteins?

Next Generation Sequencing: Learn what NGS is.

Epigenomics lecture: Learn what epigenetic effect is in biology. How can environment affect genes directly?

Sequence 'alignment: Sequence alignment algorithms. How computers can align DNA?

Computers for genomics: Understand how computers work. Computing is something special. Life is a kind of computing.

Genome Assembly: Assembling a genome from short and long sequence data.

Phylogenetic tree (tree of life): Phylo tree is a bad but useful tool to understand genes and genomes.

Comparative Genomics: How we can compare life using genomes.

Evolution (genome perspective): 

The human genome project

Korean genome project: Who are Koreans?

Whale genome analysis and whale shark genome analysis

Tiger genome analyses

Cancer genomes 

Genomes and aging (telomere)

UNIST Genomics course 2021  |   Jong Bhak's Genomics Syllabus  |   Genomics 2021 Homework