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Description of Genomics course

Course Descriptionfor Genomics (General description)

by Jong Bhak (

Genomics is the new name for genetics that encompasses not only traditional
genetics research and technology topics but also includes information technology, systems biology, high throughput biodata generation, processing, and analyses.

It covers areas such as sequencing, DNA synthesis, and genome writing and editing.
Genomics course requires the students to have been exposed to general
biology, data processing, statistics, mathematics, and computer science.
The genomic research can be largely divided into experimental and informatic
parts. The course will not cover hands-on experiments due to space limitation.
Students who took this subject will be able to understand life in terms of information processing
with much knowledge on how to use technologies to solve problems such as curing cancer and aging.

The topics of genomics include:

1. What is life, information, and the universe?  (as information processing objects)
2. What is Omics? (as an approach of understanding life)
3. What is 'Big data' in biology?
4. How molecules and cells propagate in the universe?
5. Genome reading and writing

   Genome Sequencing

   Genome sequence analyses






6. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics)

7. Curing Aging using genomics (Geromics)



Arthur M. Lesk,
 Oxford University Press
Course Reserves Designation

Korean Genome Project: 1094 Korean personal genomes with clinical information. Science Advances.

The origin and composition of Korean ethnicity analyzed by ancient and present-day genome sequences.Genome biology and evolution 12 (5), 553-565

Depression and suicide risk prediction models using blood-derived multi-omics data
Translational psychiatry 9 (1), 1-8

KoVariome: Korean National Standard Reference Variome database of whole genomes with comprehensive SNV, indel, CNV, and SV analyses
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-14

The Atom of Evolution.  Genomics & Informatics, December 2004, 2(4):167-173.

Genomic profile analysis of diffuse-type gastric cancers '''Genome Biology,2014

 'Minke whale genome and aquatic adaptation in cetaceans. Nature Genetics,  2013. (24th Nov 2013)
 'Tiger genome and comparative analysis with lion and snow leopard genomes.
Nature Communications,  2013. Sep. 17th.
Whole transcriptome analyses of six thoroughbred horses before and after exercise using RNA-Seq
BMC Genomics.  2012 Sep 12;13:473. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-473.


Research report writing and presentation (100%)

Each week, before, class, students are asked to submit research reports on genomics topics.

The final grade will be given by the quality of research reports and presentations (in English)

The important points of grading are:

1.      Being scientific in reasoning and presenting

2.      Critical thinking level

3.      Being independent in thinking