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From Biolecture.org
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<p>[[2. What is the alignment? -YJ code: 123563]]</p>
<p>[[2. What is the alignment? -YJ code: 123563]]</p>
<p>[[3. Making alignment program -YJ code: 140393]]</p>
<p>[[3. Evolution; CSCG, phylogenetic tree, Convergent evolution -YJ code: 130629]]</p>
<p>[[4. Evolution; CSCG, phylogenetic tree, Convergent evolution -YJ code: 130629]]</p>
<p>[[4. Transcriptome (horse transcriptome) -YJ code: 19425325]]</p>
<p>[[5. Human genomes -YJ code: 1935000]]</p>
<p>[[5. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics); Analysing disease genomes; Diffuse type cancer analyses.&nbsp;-YJ code: 59200511]]</p>
<p>[[6. Whale genomics -YJ code: 1401251]]</p>
<p>[[6. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics);&nbsp;Measuring aging biologically -YJ code: 97051132]]</p>
<p>[[7. Tiger genomes -YJ code: 1955922]]</p>
<p>[[7.&nbsp;Aging related keywords and genes -YJ code: 4059211]]</p>
<p>[[8. Vulture genomes &nbsp;-YJ code: 6932601]]</p>
<p>[[9. Transcriptome (horse transcriptome) -YJ code: 19425325]]</p>
<p>[[10. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics); Analysing disease genomes; Diffuse type cancer analyses.&nbsp;-YJ code: 59200511]]</p>
<p>[[11. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics);&nbsp;Measuring aging biologically -YJ code: 97051132]]</p>
<p>[[12.&nbsp;Aging related keywords and genes -YJ code: 4059211]]</p>

Revision as of 22:39, 5 December 2016



Syallbus -YJ code: 187216

------------------------------ lecture & homework ---------------------------


1. Sequencing : Sanger, NGS, Methyl-seq -YJ code: 481887

2. What is the alignment? -YJ code: 123563

3. Evolution; CSCG, phylogenetic tree, Convergent evolution -YJ code: 130629

4. Transcriptome (horse transcriptome) -YJ code: 19425325

5. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics); Analysing disease genomes; Diffuse type cancer analyses. -YJ code: 59200511

6. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics); Measuring aging biologically -YJ code: 97051132

7. Aging related keywords and genes -YJ code: 4059211


------------------------------------ scientific essay ----------------------------------------


(1) Ethnically relevant consensus Korean reference genome towards personal reference genomes -YJ code:4999


(2) Youtube lecture_1 -YJ code:5821 


(3) Youtube lecture_2 - YJ code:4049


(4) HTSMseq -YJ code:4914


(5) Cancer’s Last Stand? The Genome Solution -YJ code:0980


(6) Epigenetics in NOVA SCIENCE -YJ code:4900 


(7) Dawn Field (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) - Activities in Environmental Bioinformatics -YJ code:1922







Week 1 -YJ code:309ir

Week 2 -YJ code:2e9i2q

Week 3 -YJ code:024qad

Essay - YJ code:3q0i





i hopely did not want to change my documents.

but sometimes, if two folder names are same, this server consider same folder. 

so other people change my folder or documents unwantedly. 

this is a reason why i wrote random code in folder names.