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UNIST Omics special lecture 2023


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Course Information

Course Code BME80101 Course Title Special Lectures in Biomedical Engineering A (Omics)
Year/Semester 2023 / 2nd Semester School Department of Biomedical Engineering
Class Time FRI 16:00-18:45 (110-301) Grading Type Letter Grade


Instructor Information

Instructor Jong Hwa Bhak
Tel 010-4644-6754
Office Hours 09:00 - 23:00


Course Objectives & Description

Omics is a systematic naming of various fields of biology and biotechnology. There are many –omics subfields such as genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics. I provide students with latest omics research topics with insights on the evolutionary theories.

  • Intro:
    • How to study
    • How to research.
  1. Principles: What is life, information, and the universe? (as information processing objects) Fractality of evolution, encapsulation, and information propagation
  2. Genomics.
  3. Epigenomics: Environment and biological information objects and their interaction
  4. Transcriptomics
  5. Aging and Cancer.
  6. Omics based Diagnomics
  7. Geromics: Aging omics.



Topic Research discussion and presentation (100%)

Self-Critical Scientific Assessment (SELF): Writing research papers on the course.
Each week, before, class, students are asked to present on omics topics that are related to evolution theories.
The final grade will be given by the quality of research reports and presentations (in English)

The important points of grading are:
1. Being scientific in reasoning and presenting (reports and presentation)
2. Critical thinking level (showing in various communications such as reports)
3. Being independent in thinking (showing in various communications such as reports)

Weekly Schedule

Week Contents
1 Course introduction:
2 What is life, information, and the universe? 
3 What is science, biology, and omics?
4 What are Darwin’s evolutionary theories?
5 Genomics
6 Epigenomics 
7 Epigenomics
8 Transcriptomics 
9 Transcriptomics 
10 Cancer 
11 Cancer
12 Omics based Diagnomics 
13 Omics based Diagnomics 
14 Geromics: Aging omics
15 Presentation and Evaluation
16 Presentation and Evaluation

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