


128 bytes added, 08:20, 19 June 2024
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SELF: self evaluating learning framework.<br/> <br/> The idea of SELF is that students&nbsp;try to scientifically evaluate themselves&nbsp;with the materials and resources<br/> they&nbsp;have acquired during the course.
There are two elements. <br/> <br/> One is your essay, presentation, or any material&nbsp;that is to do with the subject/class.<br/> The other is an actual critical assessment of yourself&nbsp;in terms of what and how much you have acquired during the course.
that is to do with the subject/class.<br/> <br/> The other is an actual critical assessment of yourself&nbsp;in terms of what and how much you have acquired during the course. This is to make you develop your own objective and critical scientific mind&nbsp;that can be used<br/> to solve any scientific problem in the future. I would like you to have a framework where you can see you and your<br/> research activity as objectively as possible.
<br/> [[Jong_Bhak|Jong Bhak]]

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