Last 5 Pages Viewed: Lecture 2 - Bioprogamming class

Lecture 2 - Bioprogamming class


What is program?
Library : set of book
my: confiner(restirct computer memory)
%(hash), $(scaler), @(array) - variable
for example
$: 1,2,3,4...
%: 12/34
@: array

What is bioinformatics?
1. natural process of information propagation
2. programming technique
3. hack code of life and make a map

It vs Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics use biological data, find natural rule

Semiconductor of life
Semiconductor - can become conductor according to condition such as temperature, pH, salt concentration, number of electrons

protein is the triple point of state(liquid + gas + solid)

What is grammar?
grammar is rule to match input with ouput

20 amino acid

File:Amino acid structure.png


