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Jeongwoo Seo



This week's topic is on :

     life, information, and the universe?  (as information processing objects)

     Fractality of evolution, encapsulation, and information propagation


1. Look up the meaning keywords in Google/Wikipedia/GPT/Youtube and research papers.

  • Life, Information, and the Universe as Information Processing Objects: This concept suggests that life, the flow of information, and the universe itself can be understood as interconnected systems of information processing. Life forms, from the simplest organisms to complex beings like humans, process information to interact with their environment. Information is a fundamental aspect of the universe's organization, including the laws of physics and the structures of matter.
  • Fractality of Evolution: The fractality of evolution refers to the idea that evolutionary processes exhibit self-similar patterns at different scales. Patterns and principles observed in evolution at one level can be found repeating in similar ways at other levels of biological organization. This concept emphasizes the idea that evolutionary dynamics are not limited to specific scales but can be observed across various levels of complexity.
  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation, in the context of biology, refers to the compartmentalization of different functions within living organisms. For example, cells encapsulate specific functions within distinct organelles. In computer science, encapsulation involves bundling data and methods into a single unit (an "object"). In both cases, encapsulation helps manage complexity and protect the integrity of the components.
  • Information Propagation: Information propagation refers to the transmission or spread of information within a system or across systems. In biology, this can include the transmission of genetic information through reproduction. In neuroscience, it relates to the transmission of signals between neurons. Information propagation is a fundamental process in many systems, from biological to social, where information or signals are shared or communicated.

2. Write down, succinctly, your Ph.D. research interests/issues that are relevant to omics on page of you


Self-evaluation assay

Attendence: I absented one time with the professor's consent.  4.0/4.3
Discussion: Relatively, I did not questioned much, but I was absorbed in the subject and kept asking myself whether the discussion point could be accepted. 4.0/4.3
Learning: Although my knowledge in omics field did not increase, I was able to learn about the professor's research philosophy and think about what kind of thoughts I should have in research. In fact, That's what the professor wants me to learn I think. 4.3/4.3
Homework: I didn't manage my wiki-page, and didn't flipped learned for preparing the class. 3.0/4.3
Presentation: I didn't presented 2.7/4.3
in conclusion I evaluated my grade as 3.6 (A-)