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Hyewon Cho


Presentation Title : Juvenile diet restriction and the aging and reproduction of adult Drosophila melanogaster, 

[Meing-Piing Tu and Marc Tatar, Aging Cell, 2003]

Presentation Date : 20160520

I. What I learned from studying this paper :

[1] Current my lab is not highly researching about aging, but by reminding about aging studies, especially about current reserach how much frequently or significantly important 'drosophilia' is used for the field.

[2] Since drosophilia DNA shows high genetical correlation with human's one, its research result that the diet restriction on juvenile can effect for reproductivity for females, I thought mb it will be interesting if they make this research with larger number of sample population so that better to generalize and give more reliable data.

II. What I learned from the course :

[1] There are so many conditions which effect on Human aging, and it is very hard to set some standard sample for human especially for aging under same conditions without just one differnetiation condition what you want to focus for.

[2] Not to hesitate to say "i don't know". Before, I was a student who barely says about my answer when I don't know the exact answer. I was afraid to say it since I thought I am the only one who might not know the answer and shamed about it. However, after taking this course, I realized by saying I don't know, i can save others' time and at the same time to give other people to answer for the question, plus, may be I am not the only one who can't answer for the questions as well, which means I don't have to hesitate for answering or being active during discussion.

III. Reference for self evaluation 

[1] Participation

Participation stands for the contribution for the class, including the number of questions rose in the class, the number of replies from professor's question or from the question arose in during the discussions. 

[2]  Participation Ratio

Participation Ratio = (the number of one's participation) / ∑ (the number of one's participation)

[3] Letter grading for 4.3 system

Letter Grading GPA
A+ 4.3
A0  4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B0 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C0 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D0  1.0
D-  0.7
F 0.0