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Human origin and history of migration-OG


African origin : 160,000 years ago >> HOMO sapiens : The earlies known evidence of our mtDNA / Y-chromosome


160,000~135,000 : hunter-gatherers traveled south to the "Cape of Good Hope" / southwest to the "Congo Basin" / west to the "ivory coast" >> carry the first generation of mtDNA gene types 'L1'


135,000~115,000 : A group travelled across a green Sahara 125,000 years ago up the Nile to the Levant


115,000~90,000 : A global freeze-up turned this area and north Africa into extreme desert (branch reached the Levant died,  This region was later reoccupied by Neanderthal man)


90,000~85,000 : a group crossed the mouth of the Red Sea - the Gates of Grief - prior to travelling as beach-combers >> All non-African people are descended from this group


85,000~75,000 : From Sri Lanka they continued along the Indian Ocean coast to Western Indonesia, then a landmass attached to Asia. >>moved around Borneo to South China


74,000 Mt.Toba : Super-eruption of Mt.Toba , Sumatra cause a 6 year nuclear winter & instant 1000 year ice-age with a dramatic population crash >> less than 10,000 adults


74,000~65,000 : Following the devastation of the Indian sub-continent, repopulation took place >> Groups crossed by boat from Timor into Australia and also from Borneo into New Guinea.

                         There was intense cold in the Lower Pleniglacial in the north.


65,000~52,000 : Dramatic warming of the climate 52,000 years ago meant group were finally able to move north up the Fertile Crescent returning to the Levant. From there they moved into Europe via the Bosporus from 50,000  

                        years ago


52,000~45,000 : Mini ice Age. Aurignacian Upper Palaeolithic culture moved from Turkey into Bulgaria, Europe. The new style of stone tools moved up the Danube into Hungary then Austria.


45,000~40,000 : Groups from east Asian coast moved west through the central Asia steppes towards Northeast Asia. From Pakistan they moved into Central Asia, and from Indo-China through Tibet into the Qing-hai Plateau


40,000~25,000 : Central Asians moved west towards eastern Europe, north into the arctic Circle and joined East Asians to start the spread into north-east Eurasia. This period saw the birth of spectacular works of art, as in the              

                         Chauvet cave in France.


25,000~20,000 : Ancestors of the Native Americans who crossed the "Bering land bridge" connecting Siberia to Alaska, either passed through the ice corridor reaching Meadowcroft before the LGM, or took the coastal route.


22,000~19,000 : During the last Ice Age, Northern Europe, Asia and North America were de-populated, with isolated surviving groups locked in refuges. In North America the ice corridor closed and the coastal route froze.


19,000~15,000 : The Last Glacial Maximum [LGM] 18,000 years ago. In North America, south of the ice, groups continued to develop diversity in language, culture & genes as they crossed into South America. Australian rock                  

                         art- Bradshaw Paintings.


15,000~12,500 : Continued amlioration of the global climate. Coastal route recommenced. Monte Verde, Chile-human habitation; radio-carbon dating from 11,790 to 13,565 years ago.

                          Simple stone tools such as flakes and cobbles were excavated. 


12,500~10,000 : Reoccupation of North America 12,500 years ago from south of the ice going north. In the sub-Arctic 11,500 years ago people moved out from the Beringean refuge to become the Eskimo, Aleuts and Na-Dene



10,000~8,000 : The final collapse of the Ice Age heralded the dawn of agriculture. The Sahara was grassland, as implied by the life-size giraffe petroglyphs in Niger. Recolonisation of Britain and Scandinavia