Last 5 Pages Viewed: HojuneLee 2024 Geromics Course

HojuneLee 2024 Geromics Course






  • I propose to get A0 grade on the Geromics course. I have three supporting reasons and two limitations.
  • First, I thought deeply about class materials, especially killifish. Throughout the scientific thinking, I could raise a problem that our lab does not have detailed statistics on killifish, which is quite important because killifish is one of the biggest interests in our lab. I made a video on this. (
  • Next, my point of view on science, academics, and life has changed. As a normal Korean student, I tried my best to be ‘good’. Things that can show my social status, like money and degree, had very high priority in my mind. However, the lecturer provided me an opportunity to realize that things are MEANS and the important thing is, DIRECTION(objectives).
  • Finally, I reviewed all the flipped-learning materials and followed all the instructions on the announcement to enthusiastically participate in the class.
  • However, despite being successful to raise the problem related to killifish, I didn’t move it to an action. Moreover, I submitted my SELF document after the submission deadline.
  • Therefore, I think I am eligible to get A0.


Contact Information

  • Phone: +82) 010-6670-5396
  • Email:


Topics of Interest

  • Cancer
  • Genetic Diseases
  • Depression
  • Aging
  • Population Genomics (KU10K project, All of US, UK Biobank, etc.)


Scientific questions & thinking

- Quantum biology? (

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