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Genomics Homework


One-line Genomics Homework guide

This homework is for students to utilize on-line hypertext systems to store concepts they have learned and use them for later.

1) Go to &
    Make Your own real name user account (Such as Jong Hwa Bhak)
           Create account -
    Put down your ID on : 

2) Make 20 or more entries in the and wiki (total 40 entries)
     ex) make new entries such as BioPHP on
      * I can check how many entries you have put 
3) Every week, you do the above entry additions for the
    weekly topic.

    * people will see what entries you put as your homework.

4) Genomics Essay home work (more than 2 pages of proper scientific paper format: See Nature Letters format)

  1. Crtical thinking
  2. What is science (more than 2 pages in a scientific paper format)
  3. What is a genome (more than 2 pages in a scientific paper format)
  4. What is omics 

Jong Bhak's General Homework guide