Essay 2 KYY
“한국과학자 너무 조용… 노벨상 나올 풍토 못돼”
I agree with that Korean is too quiet and not used to debate. From elementary school, Korean student is used to passive class. Teacher gives a lecture and students just write-down teacher’s word and memorize by rote for examination. There is no debate class and chance to organize and vocalize own ideas. Once students reach high school, this atmosphere becomes more severe. They just sit at one’s desk and memorize and solve a question mechanically from 8 am to 11pm, even 1 or 2 am. Having a interest to things that are not related to Korea SAT is not acceptable. From elementary school to high school, they become studying machine, not the thinker. Thus I think becoming active is difficult after they enter university. Education of Korea need to culture of debating. Confucian ideas is deep-rooted in Korea society, Korean is used to intention that command and discipline should be aligned, in Korean 상명하복. Thus superior in Korea drop an idea that junior just follow their opinion and ca not argue. And make atmosphere that debate freely between professor, dorcor and students. But I disagree that “국내총생산(GDP) 대비 연구개발(R&D) 투자 비중은 세계 1위지만 노벨상 수상자는 단 한 명도 나오지 않았다”. Investment to basic science is not for long. IBS is founded in 2011. But the United States or other countries have investigated to basing science for long times. To win a Nobel Prize, scientist researches the topics for a long time. Thus it is too early to look for winning and criticize. Now a lot of center of IBS concentrate on their research and make a great effort, it is worth to expect winning Nobel Prize in later.