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Bioprogramming Wonwoo Jeong


1.     Bioprogramming

1)     Definition

Method of Genetically programming structure that can be utilized in cyberspace. <o:p></o:p>

2)     Application

C.elegans is popular example of bioprogramming. Its genetically important nerve system is totally analyzed. Therefore C. elegans artificially re-coded on the computer is possible. These code based organism can be called organism because they can make descendant and move in response of their own nerve system. However, the boundary of real and organism is somehow vague in this situation. Programmed space can evolve when environment is adopted only in define way. It means it can not react various changes of environment as like real space. Then what is real?<o:p></o:p>

3)  Real

The boundary that whether it is real or not is hard work to define exactly. Debate is started from definition, distinction, application. First ‘real’ is contrast concept to ‘virtual real’. Virtual reality rose on the surface with developing computer space. The purpose of computer space which is virtual real is manipulation showing scientific visualization without experiencing abnormal, strict, limited environment. System can change environment according to reacting users’ view and recognizing motion. However real is not made by computer space. It is definite space recognized by conscious reception which is physical reality that people can touch and see objective existence. Furthermore it also well differentiate internal experience that is imaginary illusion, hallucination, dream and skewed memory.

 Second big difference between them is distinction of physical reality or not.  Funny topic is here that is programmed C. elegans real? Even though we know all neural mechanism, design same organism therefore they automatically react their environment and make descendants, they live in cyber space and people recognize designed program image. This circumstance is not physical reality because people only see changing visual effect from monitor not existence of substance. Finally what I want to define is objects that is real or not. Until now the concept of real is vague, but both real and unreal can be defined easily. Real is part of mankind’s physical world which people can touch and feel but unreal is imaginary part of inner world of people or programmed cyber world