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Youngjun Bhak


What is Programming, Language. And how to make a compiler?

Bhak Youngjun, 20121213

Programming is making executable program logically and arithmetically. For that, we use programming language such as C++, Perl. But computer can’t understand this language directly. So we need compiler to interpret programming language to object language that computer can understand and execute.


I will write this assay in order of Language, Programming and compiler to cover all of those topic.

First of all, language can be defined as complex system of communication. For example, Korean and English is human language. Computer language is computer language. Cell to cell signal also complex system of communication. So, organic molecules such as DNA, hormone, glucose also can be language. Even inorganic things too.


Secondary, Programming can be simply defined as process that making executable computer programs. It means programming is some kind of writing lab manual, or protocol for machine written by programming language or even computer language.


However, as I said, it is hard for computer to read and understand programming language directly. So we need compiler to interpret programming language to computer. Compiler can made by combination of function dictionary library, For example, If{}  = 1001001~100100. And interpreter that substitute sentence, function of programming language to computer language based on constructed function dictionary library.