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Founded by a group of leading biomedical scientists in June 2000, AbGenomics Corporation is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the discovery and development of novel therapeutic monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of 1). immune-related inflammatory diseases such as autoimmune diseases, allergy, asthma, and transplantation rejection; and 2). cancer.

The Company's integrated bio-drug discovery capabilities range from the discovery of new gene functions and the identification of disease target proteins to the validation of animal disease models. We intend to discover novel therapeutic antibodies and to build a diversified product por
tfolio through our R&D and partnerships.

To explore into other business arena, the company has established its first US subsidiary, AbGenomics Inc., in July 2006. Its main function is to provide consulting services in (1) business development and alliance management; and (2) management of public and investor relations. AbGenomics Inc. does not conduct biological experiments but serves as a bridge between US and Asian Biotech companies.

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