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231201 SELF JiHoonKim



Assessment for A- Grade: Evaluating SELF on the Criteria of Enjoyment, Participation, and Attendance



My score is 80 out of 100 in the A- grade range. I calculated that enjoyment is scored 40 out of 40, participation is scored 10 out of 30, and attendance is scored 30 out of 30.
The grading system uses bins with a cutoff at 7 points for grades below D and 8 points for grades above, and since My score falls into the A- range, that determines my grade (Table 1).


First, I have chosen interest as a prominently weighted evaluation criterion. The reason for a perfect score of 40 for enjoyment is that the Omics class brought about the most significant change in my fixed mindset. Changing my mindset provides the most enjoyment to me. The most significant shift in my thinking is considering aging as a disease. Previously, I thought that aging was a natural process over time, distinct from diseases like cancer or cardiovascular issues. Because I just focused on the passage of time, thinking of aging as an inevitable process for all living organisms. In my opinion, the diseases cause abnormal functions with physical or mental functions and aging exhibits these characteristics. Recently, the research on aging and DNA methylation changes is extensive, with a high association with cancer. Through this change in mindset, I'm planning my research process to build a reference of DNA methylation that will play a crucial role in detecting and treating changes like aging and cancer.

Second, the participation score is 10. Due to the significance of logical reasoning and communication in science, active participation has been selected as an evaluation criterion. My most significant limitation is the failure of active participation in class. The primary reason is my English skill. Communication was challenging due to a decrease in confidence in English. So I am currently working on improving my English skills using resources like ChatGPT and YouTube.

Lastly, with perfect attendance for all classes, the attendance score is 30. I included attendance as an evaluation criterion because I believe it is a crucial element for comprehending the overall content and flow of the class.  


Based on these reasons, I should receive an A- in the Omics class.