HW2 : define 20 words

From Biolecture.org

1. data : the collected quantitative and qualitative information about a certain event

2. science : the knowledge that we obtain from nature

3. math : the study of numbers

4. system : organized organization with a set of rules

5. justice : right and fairness

6. beautiful : the enjoyment we feel from the objects when we love it

7. flow (몰입) : concentrate on the one thing with all own's mind

8. bioscience : the science which deals with biological phenomena

9. learning : obtain new knowledge from study

10. health : mentally and physically normal condition 

11. exercise : the activity we do to keep or improve health.

12. research : re + search

13. value(가치관) : the principles that we think are important when we make decisions.

14. development : to make it better than before

15. homeostasis : keep the condition within certain criteria such as temperature and ph in animal

16. cancer : old cell is broken out and growth of it is out of control

17. obesity : the condition of being overweight

18. inflammation : a localized physical condition as a reaction to injury or infection.

19. protein : organic compounds which consist of amino acid

20. multidiscipline : integration between disciplines beyond the boundary