About the Bioperl

From Biolecture.org

Installation of Bioperl (upgrade)

  1. >perl -MCPAN -e shell
  2. cpan>install Bundle::CPAN
  3. cpan>q

Installation of upgrading Module::Build and for preferred installer

  1. >cpan
  2. cpan>install Module::Build
  3. cpan>o conf prefer_installer MB
  4. cpan>o conf commit
  5. cpan>q

## from http://blog.naver.com/aries84/100161219571


Perl 5 Core in Bioperl


- Test::More

- ExtUtils::MakeMaker

## from Stavan Little - Perl - The Detroit of Scripting Languages (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ycpEUQAnp4&list=PL69HcBwGqOfkH51kodSr-By70VN4JQlgd)