5.20 class

From Biolecture.org

Two Aspects of BioProgramming
(1) natural process of information propagation
(2) programming technique
=> "How our programming solve the natural programming"

Hacking vs. Cracking
legal vs. illegal

"data collection" is the first step of science!!!!
data ? -> To understand biological circuits
ex) protein-protein interaction => Yeast 2 Hybridization

Internet network

Scale-free network (https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=scale+free+network&biw=1391&bih=684&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjTh56m6OfMAhWF5KYKHd-LCoAQsAQIMQ#imgrc=_)

Most IMPORTANT thing is ARCHITECTURE !!! Always THINK!!!!!!

Why we use Computer? -> To simulate
Simulation : Change 2D,3D into image

BioProgramming using Computers

****HW 1: Define most 20 words in our life.(중요하다!)****