

Question Box about science field - Code : KSI0027

381 bytes added, 15:13, 28 November 2016
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<p><img alt="" src="/ckfinder/userfiles/images/6(1).PNG" style="height:547px; width:488px" /></p>
<p>1.What&#39;s the true meaning of finding the 5000-year old cobs of corn domestication in the act? Is that have scientific meaning?&nbsp;</p>
<p>2.Does genetically modified organism (GMO) would change or affect&nbsp;the next 5000 year&#39;s crops or something like that largely?&nbsp;</p>
<p><span style="font-size:28px"><strong>7</strong></span></p>
<p><img alt="" src="/ckfinder/userfiles/images/7(1).PNG" style="height:480px; width:488px" /></p>
<p>1.&nbsp;Is it possible to adapt it to the human disease such as&nbsp;nyctalopia?</p>
<p>2.</p> <p><span style="font-size:28px"><strong>8</strong></span>. Those roundworms sense other kinds of light that human can&#39;t sense such as uv or gamma rays?&nbsp;</p>
<p><img alt="" src="/ckfinder/userfiles/images/8.PNG" style="height:463px; width:481px" /></p>
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