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<p>08. Music</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Music makes me calm down or feel various emotions.</p>
<p>09. Thought</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Thought is based on all my life, except instinctive momentary emotions or actions.</p>
<p>10. Philosophy</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Only my own philosophy determines brief way of my thought and action.</p>
<p>11. Truth</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;I want to know only truth, although knowing about truth can make me depress.</p>
<p>12. Faith</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Faith is not only for religion, but also for belief with other people.</p>
<p>13. Honest</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;I do not, and will not deceive myself. I do self-reflection when I make a false.</p>
<p>14. Responsibility</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;I do my best to fulfill the responsibility I take on. I don&rsquo;t evade my responsibilities.</p>
<p>15. Will</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Will make me not to give up.</p>
<p>16. Confidence</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Confidence is essential point to carry important works out. If I don&rsquo;t have confidence, I will lose also will to do works.</p>
<p>17. Awareness Myself</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;To know myself makes me evaluate what can I do, or what can not I do. But having blind faith is like a toxic to evaluate.</p>
<p>18. Emotion</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Expressing sincere emotions is so hard to me, but I try to express emotions which don&rsquo;t need to deceive.</p>
<p>19. Logos</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Although human being consists of vertebrates, human being has logos comparing with other vertebrates, or animals. I think instinct is essential to live, thus logos is also essential factor to live as intellects.</p>
<p>20. Sensibility</p>
<p>&nbsp;-&nbsp;Sensibility is on both logos and instinct to seek some kinds of beauty like poem, art, or music. Sensibility relates closely with emotions.</p>

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