

YeonJung Mun

116 bytes added, 13:03, 15 May 2015
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<h1><b>Classroom Discussion</b></h1>
<h3style="margin-left: 40px"><b>What is a lecture?</b></h3><pstyle="margin-left: 40px">&nbsp;Lecture is a form of presentation that conveys information and opens a discussion time. Not only does lecture require the informative material to teach people, communication between the participants takes a big role. Two-way communication between the lecturer and audience is one type and multi-way communication between the audiences is another. Also, by orally presenting the information, the audience can increase the efficiency of comprehending, and by asking questions and getting answers, full knowledge is transmitted.</p><h3style="margin-left: 40px"><b>What is real?</b></h3><pstyle="margin-left: 40px">&nbsp;A real object must have atoms to be composed of. Every material in the &ldquo;real world&rdquo; consists of atoms and molecules. Sometimes they are unable to touch, feel, see, or smell by naked human sense, but as long as they are made of atoms, they are real. In that sense, cyber space is not real. They are just imaginary space which is expressed in special method such as electrical monitors. Codes are similar to our thoughts or opinion; in other words, they are just an expression of real object (especially human in this case). What is real is the medium that transmits that expressions.</p>
<h1><span style="font-size: x-large"><b>Genomics</b></span></h1>
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