

Week 4/Genomics 2016/Yoon Changhan

72 bytes added, 22:41, 5 October 2016
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<p>&nbsp;Since&nbsp;1832, when&nbsp;Charls Darwin&nbsp;arrived&nbsp;at Galapagos islands where various traits and species exists, the concept of evolution has been considered as one of the most powerful&nbsp;tool to explain the variety and&nbsp;origin&nbsp;of life. As But, as crucial evidences and theories such as&nbsp;Mendel&#39;s law of inheritance emerged, the theory of&nbsp;evolution has been changed gradually, which makes the first model obsolete.&nbsp;Through that way, we ard ignorant about&nbsp;what Darwin&#39;s original theory tried to say.&nbsp;Now, in this essay,&nbsp;we&nbsp;want to focus more about&nbsp;Darwin&#39;s first model and criticize it on many biological terms. There were many questions and discussions&nbsp;associated with evolution and cycle of life. And let&nbsp;us talk about those exploring Darwin&#39;s view.</p>

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