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Self Evaluating Learning Framework

SELF: Self Evaluating Learning Farmework



Madina Seidualy  20132023

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology


Abstract:  SELF: self evaluating learning framework is the paper, where students evaluate themselves scientifically. It should be scientific paper based on student’s learning progress of this course. Students need to identify whole their works related to genomic topic and fairly make a judgement.

In this paper, I tried to critically rate myself, bring as evidences my works, which had done during the fall semester. It consists from introduction part, where I explained in detail about SELF and about the course description, and further includes problem part, results, discussion sessions.  According accomplished works, particularly my research paper shows that I am good candidate for the excellent grade. In my opinion, the aim of the course was to deliver genome understanding to the students, develop their interest to that, encourage them for further development in that field. As a student taking this course can say confidently that professor successfully accomplish his aims, since this course influenced me a lot, and want to continue or do other researches related to genomics.


Introduction:  Students, who are taking Genomic course from the professor Jong Bhak in Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) required to submit Self Evaluating Learning Framework (SELF) to the professor at the end of the semester. The main aim of the SELF is that students evaluate themselves, while providing scientific evidences or reasonable justifications. In addition, it should be scientific paper based on student’s learning progress of this course.

 Genomic course is the fall semester course of the UNIST, provides lecture once a week for two and half hour, applies three credits. During the semester, students have tasks with clear goals, but for those assignments no assigned deadlines, also students are not asked to provide specific results to the professor or teacher assistants. It all designed for student’s self–interests, and further accomplishments totally depends on themselves. Moreover, students provided with a chance to present their investigation about scientific problems in genomics. However, it should not be a review papers, or summary of published researches, rather student’s own idea to the current problems in the world. Alike in all courses, students encouraged to participate actively in the classes, and have a critical thinking, also motivated to ask at the same time provide answers to the professor.

   Course do not conduct any exams, like midterm or finals. Exams are not enough rewarding method to check student’s knowledge. Thereby, professor does not want rank students only according to the exam score, instead he insisting students to evaluate themselves critically.      

Problem:  Now as an undergraduate student of the UNIST, I need to evaluate myself with scientific evidences and with honest logics. What kind of evidences can I provide? Could I love this course? Is this course encouraged me to learn more and motivated to study further? Did I complete professor’s all requirements? Could I develop new ideas? Did I try to look for problems and find solutions to them? Was I able to learn main aspects of the course? Those are the main questions, which first of all, I should answer in order to evaluate myself. Furthermore, with results and discussions would proof that why I evaluate myself as A+ student.


Below figure shows my first essay on topic “What is sequencing in Genomics and Omics?”

At first, I submit its hard copy to the professor, then I received a lot of correction, since there were things I have to improve, like adding pictures and references.

Further I try to follow professor’s instruction and wrote second essay, which was about “Why Darwin’s evolution theory can be wrong?” (below fig.2)

Afterwards, professor gave a special lecture about how to write scientific paper, and emphasized specific aspects, which should be included in scientific papers.

 I wanted be able to properly write a satisfying research paper. Initially, it took several times to find specific problem, where you can provide or suggest adequate solution, and also it was not an easy thing.  

My interest to genomics increased day by day. I not only read scientific papers, but also try to understand every single words there. Especially, after reading I looked for all technologies, which conduct variety experiments while sequencing DNA.                            

In following pictures, shown my notebook, where I thoroughly described and tried to understand how sequencing technologies, CRISPR-cas9 works.


 In the end, I succeeded to write research paper, which I wished. Now looking forward to professor’s feedback. (

 In addition, I gave a talk for two times in a class. In a first one, it was about cancer genome remodeling. I presented with Kaznagul, who is taking this course with me, and before presenting we go through a lot scientific papers and tried to understand its nonstable genome. Interested ones can find our presentation on following website:

However, this talk more was like review of the scientific paper, and we emphasized our solution or correction to the paper less. After getting professor’s feedback, I presented one more time. This time with clear problem and suggested own solutions with opinions.(

 Moreover, I never missed the classes and actively participate in every class discussion. Tried ask all interested and concerned questions during the lecture.


 To be honest, before I had interests in genetics, had thoughts that we can find answer about every disease and body condition, about all if we look to the gene of the organisms thoroughly.    

   After taking Genomics course this semester, my interests to genes increased dramatically. Professor could make me love this course, and I became so enthusiastic about genes. After professor introduces his researches about sequenced genomes, I went home and started to search about that in detail. Primarily, majority of the time spent to search and understand about technologies, which scientists used during the sequencing. At the beginning, it was hard to understand genomics papers, so I spent weeks to understand how they conduct all of experiments, their result data also was difficult to analyze. All topics concerning to genomics were interesting, and I was encouraged by asking various questions during the class, I did not want to miss any opportunity, so every class of the genomics was valuable for me. As shown in results above, I did assignments and usually had pleasure of doing them, every time try to follow feedbacks of the professor. Enthusiasm in me forwarded me to the 2nd Genome Korea International Conference, which was organized by UNIST on November 30 in 2016. In the conference, I was introduced with recent researches in genomic field, after that emerged a strong desire about contribution to this field in future.

 In diagram below, I wanted to show how my level of genomics increased during this course, if I will rank it in letter grade, my final grade for this course will be A+, in my opinion.

 The main essence of the course is to evolve interest to the subject in students and encourage them for further self -learning. Consequently, professor Jong Bhak could success it.      





[1] SELF is a concept formalized by Jong Bhak

[2] Madina Seidualy’s biolecture website, where all of her works uploaded: