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<p>From today, I will learn and summarize how to use Bioperl by reading a book "Bioinformatics with bioperl (Author: Young-Chang Kim)"</p>
<p>1. Change DNA sequence [[How to RNA sequenceinstall Perl and BioPerl]]</p>
<p>$DNASeq = 'GATACAA.......'[[Transcription from DNA sequence to RNA sequence]]</p>
<p>$RNASeq =~s/T/U/g;[[DATA extraction from FASTA]]</p>
<p>=~ : binding operator tells Perl to match the pattern on the right against the string on the left[[Motif search]]</p>
<p>(</p> <p>s/ / / : substitution function, s is substitution operator, / is used to make a distinction</p> <p>g : pattern modifier [[Getting DNA information from start to endNCBI]]</p>
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