

DNA Sequencing

435 bytes removed, 00:08, 11 December 2015
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<p><span style="font-size:14px">In geneticsSequencing is the method&nbsp;and biochemistry, sequencing&nbsp;means to determine the primary structure&nbsp;of an unbranched biopolymer&#39;s primary sequence.&nbsp;Sequencing results in a linear string of symbolic linear depiction known as a sequenceletters&nbsp;which succinctly summarizes much &nbsp;summarize important information of the atomicgenome by genetic code -level structure of the sequenced moleculeA, T, G, C.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:14px">The whole genome canIt&#39;t be sequenced all s almost impossible to sequence whole genome at once because available methods of since existing DNA sequencing can only handle methods are limited in handling short stretches of DNA -stratches at a time. So insteadAs a result, scientists must researchers break down the genome into small pieces, sequence the pieces, fragments and then reassemble them in the proper reasseble these fragments into order. An automatic sequencing machine spits out what genome scientists call of&quotnbsp;raw&quot; sequence. In raw sequence, the reads or short DNA sequences are all jumbled togetheroriginal long string. The process of transforming the transition&nbsp;of fragmented rough draft reads into a long, and continuous final product without breaks or errors sequence is called finishingassembly. Finishing often Assembly or alignment takes longer more time than the sequencing itself.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:14px">To facilitate their full genome sequencing initiatives, &ldquo;Illumina&rdquo; licensed nanopore &nbsp;sequencing technology using nanopores&nbsp;from Oxford Nanopore Technologies. For sequencing determination,&nbsp;Illumina sequencing system based on use&nbsp;reversible terminators for sequence determination. It is an approach that generates several billion bases of accurate nucleotide sequence per experiment at low cost. &nbsp;Single molecules of DNA are attached to a flat surfacesupport material, amplified in situ and used as templates for synthetic sequencing with fluorescent reversible terminator deoxyribonucleotides. Another possible way to accomplish cost-effective high-throughput sequencing &nbsp;sequence&nbsp;is by utilizing using fluorophore technology. &quot;Pacific Biosciences &quot; is currently using this approach in their SMRT (Single Molecule Real Time) DNA sequencing technology. SMRT sequencing is a harnesses the natural process of DNA replication and enables can&nbsp;real-time observation of DNA synthesis replication by using phosphorlinked nucleotidesdeoxyribonucleotides.</span></p>
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