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<h3>Definition of Programming</h3>
<p>Computer programming (often shortened to programming) is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. -Wikipedia -</p>
<p>Above is definition of programming from Wikipedia. I think we have to know why we need executable computer program. Effective and re-usable is the most important term for program. Program have to make our work effective and to be re-usable. It's why we develop computer program. To develop computer program, we need to know programming language.</p>
<h3>Programming Language</h3>
<p> There are many different programming language in the world.</p><h3h4>c</h4><h4>c++</h4><h4>java</h4><h4>perl</h4><h4>php</h4><h4>R</h4><h4>matlab</h4><h4> </h3h4>