

Genomics News and Ads Archive

173 bytes added, 18:09, 10 October 2010
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<font size="4"><font size="3"><strong>20101009: [[Image:Paris japonica logo openfree.gif]] [[The largest genome size known today: Paris japonica]]: &rArr; [[Genome size]] <br />
20100907: [[Image:Turkey logo 2.gif]] [[Turkey genome sequenced 20100907]] &rArr; [[Bird genome]]&nbsp;<br />
20100818: [[Image:Scripps logo openfree 1.gif]] [[Image:Sanofi aventis logo1.gif]] </strong></font><font size="3"><strong>[[Scripps, Sanofi Personalized Medicine Pact to Focus Initial PGx Research on Diabetes, Aging]] </strong> <br /><strong>20100810:[[Accumulation of mutations over the entire mitochondrial genome of breast cancer cells obtained by tissue microdissection]]: <br />
20100711:Theragen [[Totalomics Solutions Launched]] &rArr;[[Genome sequencing product]] <br />
20100427: [[GET conference Boston by PGP]] Boston, 27th April.&nbsp;<br />
20100303:</strong> [[Theragen Inc. launched a personal genome typing service similar to 23andme's. However, the product was withheld due to legal issues.]] <br />
<strong>20091230:</strong> [[Theragen Inc. in Korea launches commercial full genome and SNP chip personal genome service. The first in Asia]]<br />
<strong>20090928:</strong> [[Potato genome draft announced]]</font><strong><br /><font size="3">20090810:</font></strong><font size="3"> [[A Caucasian human genome was sequenced by Helicos single molecule sequencer]].<br />
<strong>20090805:</strong> [[Recurring Mutations Found by Full length Sequencing of an Acute Myeloid Leukemia Genome (AML)]]. [[N Engl J Med]]<br />
<strong>20090802:</strong> [[The complete genome sequence of Triticum mosaic virus is published in Arch Vriol.]]<br />

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