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<h1 p class="firstHeading">Organizations and Centers in Genomics<br />
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<td width="300"> <p><font size="2">[http://www.agrf.org.au/ AGRF.org.au]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2">Australian Genome Research Facility: collection of molecular genetic information covering large-scale DNA sequencing, genotyping, microarraying, agricultural genomic services </font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu/ HGSC of Baylor College of Med.]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2">Human genome sequencing center of Baylor Colledge of Medicine.</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.genomics.org.cn/ Genomics.org.cn]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2">Beijing Genome Institute, China.</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.geenivaramu.ee/ geenivaramu.ee]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2">The Estonian Genome Foundation, Estonia.</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.genoscope.cns.fr/ Genoscope.cns.fr]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> the French National Sequencing Center, Evry, near Paris. Founded in 1997. (genoscope.org)</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.genomecorp.com/ GenomeCorp.com]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> Genome therapeutic corporation (coming soon! Jan. 2008)</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/ HGMP Geneservice]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"><strong><em> Genomic products and contract research company.</em></strong> Former HGMP, MRC, UK.</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.igib.res.in/ IGIB.res.in]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology. India.</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.jgi.doe.gov/ JGI.doe.gov]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> The DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), University of California, USA.</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://mccombielab.cshl.edu/genseq/index.html mccombielab.cshl.edu]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2">Lita Annenberg Hazen Genome Sequencing Center. The Home Page of Genome Sequencing and Analysis at CSHL</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><strong><font size="2">[http://www.sanger.ac.uk Sanger Centre]</font></strong></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> Sanger Centre UK</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.ebi.ac.uk EBI]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> European Bioinformatics Institute</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2">[http://www.broad.mit.edu/ Broad Inst. MIT& Harvard]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA, USA</font></p> </td>
<td> <p><font size="2"> [http://www.genomealbertaeducation.ca/ Genome Alberta Edu.]</font></p> </td> <td> <p><font size="2"> Genome Alberta Education Site</font></p> </td>