Proteomics class 20180525
Is just translation enough? Finding start codon and stop codon is not sufficient.
Only translation analysis -> translation
Real protein study to find gene’s function : gene prediction. Ab initial(start from zero base knowledge) / empirical
Gene prediction is two type. Ab initial, empricial. Empirical is also called homology based. What does homology mean? A is homologous to B. -> homologous means originated from same ancestor. We can develop our own gene prediction method.
Protein structure always struggle. Shape change. Mark in Yeil university do with protein movement.
But, protein is definite. So that’s why proteomic use protein sequence.
How many type of protein in world exist? Depend of criteria. Most common criteria is structure of protein. no significant answer, but estimate more that 10,000 structure. There are alpha, beta, coiled substructure.