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HW for Genomics KYY


1. Define Genomics your own way after doing research on what genomes are and how we study.

Discipline in genetics that applies recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing methods, and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble, and analyze the function and structure of genomes


2. What is the origin of genomics?

Genome + -omics

-Genome: In modern molecular biology and genetics, the genome is the genetic material of an organism.

-omics: A field of study in biology


The term genomics was coined by Tom Roderick, a geneticist at the Jackson Laboratory.


3. History of genomics?

Early sequencing efforts -> DNA-sequencing technology developed -> Complete genomes -> The "omics" revolution 


4. The future of genomics?

Genomics can be applied to a lot of fields, such as describing gene function, determination of protein structure or even health. Thus I think Genomics has a bright future.


5. What is the relationship with other omics?

Genomics is the new science that deals with the discovery and noting of all the sequences in the intire genome of a particular organism. In other words, Genomics is the study of the genetic make-up of organisms. Genomics is an entry point for looking at the other omics science, such as Metabolomics and Proteomics. Metabolomics is a scientific study of chemical processes involving metabolites and Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions.




6. How can we engineer genomes?