KSH 0608 Bioinformatics with Bioperl
From today, I will learn and summarize how to use Bioperl by reading a book "Bioinformatics with bioperl (Author: Young-Chang Kim)"
1. Change DNA sequence to RNA sequence
$DNASeq = 'GATACAA.......'
$RNASeq =~s/T/U/g;
=~ : binding operator tells Perl to match the pattern on the right against the string on the left
s/ / / : substitution function, s is substitution operator, / is used to make a distinction
g : pattern modifier from start to end
==> We can utilize the =~s/ / /g to the first homework
If there is a certain DNA sequence, we can change the sequence into matching amino acid sequence
For example, Methionine has AUG codon sequence and its template DNA sequence is 3'-TAC-5'.
Thus, if we change the CAT sequence into M or Met, we could find the methionine from DNA sequence.
Ex) $Methionine = ~s/CAT/M/g;
Likewise, we could derive whole amino acids from DNA sequence.