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Essay 1 by DY

1,121 bytes added, 04:03, 13 June 2016
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<p>&nbsp;Is autoritative is only one problem of this situation? No. there are many problems remain. Korean society developed very fast and in this situation people have to make positive result always. it affect to education. Parents want to raise their children just have good point in the exam. They don&#39;t have enough time to real study. They don&#39;t have enough time to thinking. in this situation they study 12 years. They don&#39;t have to question because they didn&#39;t think they just accept the words that teacher said.&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Koreans also sensitive trends and they want to do same with others. We always fear that be alone. so when the other people didn&#39;t question than they can not ask.&nbsp;</p>
<p>We have to change education systems. and it makes change the experience of students. and many students do ask and think then the other student do like them because they don&nbsp#39;t want to behind back.</p>
<p><strong>All actions are results of experience. We have to change education system.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Then why student are so quite and passive in bioinformatic class ?</strong></p>
<p>Dr,.Bhak is not autoritative at all. The problem is that. Let&#39;s think there are&nbsp;animals who born and raised in zoo. When we release them to nature we have to train them to adapt nature before release.</p> <p>like this Dr.Bhak is not autoritative at all but student can not adapt to his lecture method.&nbsp;</p> <p>Another problem that i think is his tone of voice. When we talk with someone the tone of voice is very important. So some experts advice when your boss angry, talk with him/her with low tone.&nbsp;</p> <p>Dr.Bhak &#39;s tone make student feel fear because it is always say &quot;i&#39;m angry&quot; although he speak good words. it make student avoid communication.</p> <p>The english class is also one of problem. We can not express our thinking properly so it makes us hesitate.</p>