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KSH 0610 Epigenomics

1,093 bytes added, 16:57, 10 June 2016
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<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ex) It could affect Tumorigenesis</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ex) DNA imprinting - Parent generations put tags to next generation&nbsp;using DNA&nbsp;methylation</p>
<pul> <li>How do we study epigenomics and DNA methylation?</li></ul> <ol> <li>Bisulfite treatment on DNA - Treatment of DNA with bisulfite converts Cytosine to Uracil. It cannot convert methylcytosine.</li> <li>Sequencing</li></ol> <ul> <li>Protein - Switch - On and off - Energy(ATP, GTP, etc.) makes switching(acetylation, phosphorylation etc.)</li> <li>To detect protein structure</li></ul> <ol> <li>X-ray crystallography</li> <li>Nuclear Magnetic Resonance</li> <li>Cryoelectron microscopy</li> <li>Microscope</li> <li>Sequence</li> <li>Mass spectroscopy</li></ol> <ul> <li>Protein secondary structure - the primary polypeptide chain (sequence of specific amino acid) gets properly foled in the form of</li></ul> <ol> <li>alpha helix - scaffold</li> <li>beta sheet - scaffold</li> <li>coil (randomly coiled, irregular) - for binding to attack something Ex) Venom, Immunoglobulin (antibody) antigen binding site</li></ol> <ul> <li>&nbsp;Interaction proteomics - using chips, microarray</li></pul>