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Essay about why korean scientists are silent

1,262 bytes added, 22:06, 3 June 2016
Created page with "<p></p> <p>This is an article provided by Jong. The article is talking about Nature's advice to the scientists of So..."

<p>This is an article provided by Jong. The article is talking about Nature&#39;s advice to the scientists of&nbsp;South Korea.</p>


<p>&nbsp;Firstly, I want to talk about a bad mind dominating Koreans. It is a&nbsp;habit&nbsp;which calculate and judge the value of a person. When i am wrong or fail on something,&nbsp;I become frustrated. But&nbsp;I&nbsp;do&nbsp;not stop at there. I connect the situation to that the value of me is reduced.. I really think everyone is precious and should be respected, but i cannot behave as i think.</p>

<p>&nbsp; I quess this is because of the bad architecture of society in&nbsp;South Korea. In many organization, there is a rank or grade, which limits a person&#39;s behavior. Higher rank can order lower rank. Anyone who experienced the annoying situation made by them become extremely caution because they go fired if they make mistake in front of a senior. Generally, the &#39;anyone who experienced the annoying situation&#39; is a father and mother of a family. [Not complete, i will continue]</p>


<p>In the article, a head of IBS say&nbsp;that active discussion in the lab is required to generate a creative idea.&nbsp;</p>