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<li>So genomics is the study to know the entire DNA content in one cell of an organism. It means that we can learn to perform genetic mapping.</li>
<li>It is different for genetics or molecular biology which focus on a single gene. This study focuses on the whole genome.</li>
<li>Thus, we can see whole process of central dogma which is from DNA level to proteome level, strudying genomics.</li> <li>Consequently, we need to concentrate on the connection between this central dogma including expression of the gene. For example, how does this gene work on one's body, how does the mechanism occur?</li>
<p>2) What is the origin of genomics?</p>
<li>Frederick Sanger initiate the genomics and develop it. He made the prectice of sequencing, genome mapping, and also upgrading bioinfomatics, data storage from 1970s. </li>
<p>3) History of genomics?</p>