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Description of Genomics course

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<p><font size="+0"><u><span style="font-size: 16pt; line-height: 107%">Course Description</span></u><span style="font-size: 16pt; line-height: 107%"> for BME324, Genomics</span></font></p> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 107%"><font size="+0">by by [[Jong Bhak]] (</fontspan><br /span><span><br /><font sizespan style="+0"><font -size="2:11pt">Genomics is the new name for genetics that encompasses not only traditional<br />genetics research and technology topics but also includes information technology, systems biology, high throughput biodata generation, processing, and analyses. </fontspan></fontp> </spanp><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 107%"><font size="+0">Genomics is the new name for genetics that encompasses not only traditionalIt covers areas such as sequencing, DNA synthesis, and genome writing and editing.<br />genetics research and technology topics but also includes information technologyGenomics course requires the students to have been exposed to general<br />biology, systems biologydata processing, high throughput biodata generationstatistics, processingmathematics, and analysescomputer science. <br /font></span></p>The genomic research can be largely divided into experimental and informatic<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"br /><span style="fontparts. The course will not cover hands-size: 11pt; line-height: 107%"><font size="+0">It covers areas such as sequencing, DNA synthesis, and genome writing and editingon experiments due to space limitation.<br />Genomics course requires the students Students who took this subject will be able to have been exposed to generalunderstand life in terms of information processing <br /span>biology, data processing, statistics, mathematics, and computer science.<br />The genomic research can be largely divided into experimental span style="font-size:11pt">with much knowledge on how to use technologies to solve problems such as curing cancer and informaticaging.</span><br /p>parts. <p><span style="font-size:11pt">The course will not cover hands-on experiments due to space limitation.topics of genomics include:<br />Students who took this subject will be able to understand <br />1. What is life in terms of , information, and the universe?&nbsp; (as information processing objects)<br /font></span><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 107%">2. What is Omics? (as an approach of understanding life)<font size="+0"br />with much knowledge on how to use technologies to solve problems such as curing cancer and aging.3. What is &#39;Big data&#39; in biology?<br />4. How molecules and cells propagate in the universe?<br /font></5. Genome reading and writing</span></p> <p ><span style="marginfont-size: 0cm 0cm 8pt11pt">6. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics)</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 107%""><font size="+0">The topics of 7. Curing Aging using genomics include:(Geromics)<br /span><br /p>1. What is life, information, and the universe?<div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><span style="font-size:11pt">&nbsp; (as information processing objects)<br /span></div>2. What is Omics? (as an approach of understanding life)<p>&nbsp;<br /p>3. What is 'Big data' in biology?<br />4. How molecules and cells propagate in the universe?<br /table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse">5. Genome reading and writing </fonttbody> </span></ptr> <p styletd colspan="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt2"><span style="font-sizeheight: 12.75pt; width: 11pt110.95pt; linebackground-heightcolor: 107%transparent"> <font size="+0">6. Curing Cancer using genomics (Oncomics)</font></span></p><p div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><span style="font-size: 11pt; line; line-height: 107160%"><font sizespan style="+0color:black">7. Curing Aging using genomics (Geromics)</font>&nbsp;</span></pdiv <div style="marginword-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><span style="font-sizecolor: 11pt; line-height: 107%black">&nbsp;</span></div><p> <table border="0" div style="borderword-collapsebreak: collapse" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"> <tbody> <tr span style="heightcolor: 12.75ptblack">&nbsp;</span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: black 1pt solid; height: 12.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 1105.95pt6pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4pt; paddingkeep-top: 1.4ptall; padding-leftmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-leftheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px160%"><span style="color:black">&nbsp;</span></div> </td> <td style="height: 12.75pt; padding-rightwidth: 1115.4pt55pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="185"> <div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%">&nbsp;<font size="2"/span>&nbsp;</fontdiv> </span></divtd> <div td style="marginheight: 0cm 0cm 8pt12.75pt; line-heightwidth: 160%71.9pt; background-ms-color: transparent"> <div style="word-break: keep-all"><span style="color; margin: black0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><font sizespan style="2color:black">&nbsp;</fontspan></spandiv> </divtd> <div styletd colspan="margin2" style="height: 0cm 0cm 8pt12.75pt; line-heightwidth: 160%73.5pt; background-ms-word-breakcolor: keep-alltransparent"> <span div style="colorword-break: black; keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><font sizespan style="2color:black">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: black 1pt solid; height: 12.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 573.6pt8pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4pt; paddingkeep-top: 1.4ptall; padding-leftmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-leftheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="9160%"> <div span style="margincolor: 0cm 0cm 8ptblack">&nbsp; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"</span></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <span td colspan="8" style="height: 12.75pt; width: 451.3pt; background-color: blacktransparent"> <div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><font sizespan style="2color:black">&nbsp;Text</fontspan></spandiv> </divtd> </tdtr> <tr> <td style="border-top: black 1pt solid; height: 1215.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 115106.55pt05pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4pt; paddingkeep-top: 1.4ptall; padding-leftmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-leftheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="193normal"> <div span style="margincolor: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"black">Category</span></div> </td> <span td colspan="5" style="colorheight: black15.75pt; line-heightwidth: 160%235.3pt; background-color: transparent"> <font sizediv style="2word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal">&nbsp;</fontspan style="color:red">Book</span></div> </td> <td colspan="2" style="border-top: black 1pt solid; height: 1215.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 71109.9pt95pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4pt; paddingkeep-top: 1.4ptall; padding-leftmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-leftheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-160%"><span style="color: transparentblack">&nbsp; border-image: none" width="120"</span> </div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"> </td> </tr> <tr> <span td style="colorheight: black15.75pt; linewidth: 106.05pt; background-heightcolor: 160%transparent"> <font sizediv style="2word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal">&nbsp;</fontspan style="color:black">Title</span></div> </td> <td colspan="5" style="border-top: black 1pt solid; height: 1215.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 73235.5pt3pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4pt; paddingkeep-top: 1.4ptall; padding-leftmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-leftheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-normal"><span style="color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="123red"> [[Introduction to Genomics]]<div /span></div> </td> <td colspan="2" style="marginheight: 0cm 0cm 8pt15.75pt; line-heightwidth: 160%109.95pt; background-ms-word-breakcolor: keep-alltransparent"> <span div style="colorword-break: keep-all; margin: black0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><font sizespan style="2color:black">&nbsp;</fontspan></spandiv> </divtd> </tdtr> <tr> <td style="border-topheight: black 1pt solid; height: 1215.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 73106.8pt05pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4pt; paddingkeep-top: 1.4ptall; padding-leftmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-leftheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-rightnormal"><span style="color: 1black">Author</span></div> </td> <td colspan="5" style="height: 15.4pt75pt; width: 235.3pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="123">> <div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-allnormal"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%red">Arthur M. Lesk,<font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span/span></div> </td> </tr> <tr td colspan="2" style="height: 1215.75pt; width: 109.95pt; background-color: transparent"> <td div style="borderword-topbreak: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 12.75pt; borderkeep-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0pxall; widthmargin: 451.3pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-bottomheight: 160%"><span style="color: black 1pt solid">&nbsp; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left</span></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="height: rgb(0,0,0) 0px15.75pt; padding-rightwidth: 1106.4pt05pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="8" width="752"> <> <div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-allnormal"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%">ISBN<font size="2">Text</font></span/span></div> </td> </tr> <tr td colspan="5" style="height: 15.75pt; width: 235.3pt; background-color: transparent"> <td div style="borderword-topbreak: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; borderkeep-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0pxall; widthmargin: 106.05pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-bottomheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-leftnormal"><span style="color: black 1pt solid">&nbsp; padding-right: 1.4pt</span></div> </td> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15.75pt; width: 109.95pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="177"> <div style="marginword-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all160%"><span style="color: black">&nbsp;<font size="2"/span>Category</fontdiv> </spantd> </divtr> </tdtr> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 235106.3pt05pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4pt; paddingkeep-top: 1.4ptall; padding-leftmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-leftheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-rightnormal"><span style="color: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: noneblack" >Remarks</span></div> </td> <td colspan="5" width="392"> <div style="marginheight: 0cm 0cm 8pt15.75pt; line-heightwidth: normal235.3pt; background-ms-color: transparent"> <div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal"><span style="color: redblack"><font size&nbsp;</span><span style="2color:red">Book</font>Oxford University Press</span></div> </td> <td colspan="2" style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: black 1pt solid; widthwidth: 109.95pt; borderbackground-bottomcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; paddingtransparent"> <div style="word-bottombreak: 1.4ptkeep-all; padding-topmargin: 1.4pt0cm 0cm 8pt; paddingline-leftheight: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="183160%"> <div span style="margincolor: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-allblack">&nbsp;</span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2"/div>&nbsp; </font></span></divtd> </tdtr> </tr> <tr td style="height: 157.8pt; width: 106.75pt05pt; background-color: transparent"> <td div style="borderword-topbreak: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; borderkeep-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0pxall; widthmargin: 106.05pt0cm 0cm 8pt; borderline-bottomheight: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-leftnormal"><span style="color: black 1pt solid; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width">Course Reserves Designation</span></div> </td> <td colspan="1775"> <div style="marginheight: 0cm 0cm 7.8pt; linewidth: 235.3pt; background-heightcolor: normal; -ms-transparent"> <div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">Title</font></span>&nbsp;</span></div> </td> <td colspan="2" style="border-topheight: rgb(0,0,0)7.8pt; heightwidth: 15109.75pt95pt; borderbackground-rightcolor: rgb(0,0,0); widthtransparent"> <div style="word-break: 235.3ptkeep-all; border-bottommargin: rgb(0,0,0)0cm 0cm 8pt; paddingline-bottomheight: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0); padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent160%" colspan><span style="5color:black" width>&nbsp;</span></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3922"> <div style="marginheight: 0cm 0cm 8pt15.75pt; line-heightwidth: normal110.95pt; background-ms-word-breakcolor: keep-alltransparent"> <span div style="colorword-break: red"><font size="2">[[Introduction to Genomics]]</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0pxkeep-all; height: 15.75pt; border-right: black 1pt solid; width: 109.95pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="183"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15.75pt"> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 106.05pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: black 1pt solid; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="177"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">Author</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0); height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0); width: 235.3pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0); padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0); padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent" colspan="5" width="392"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red"><font size="2">Arthur M. Lesk,</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: black 1pt solid; width: 109.95pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="183"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15.75pt"> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 106.05pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: black 1pt solid; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="177"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">ISBN</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0); height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0); width: 235.3pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0); padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0); padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent" colspan="5" width="392"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: black 1pt solid; width: 109.95pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="183"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15.75pt"> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 106.05pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: black 1pt solid; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="177"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">Remarks</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0); height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0); width: 235.3pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0); padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0); padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent" colspan="5" width="392"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span><span style="color: red"><font size="2">Oxford University Press</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: black 1pt solid; width: 109.95pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="183"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 7.8pt"> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 7.8pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 106.05pt; border-bottom: black 1pt solid; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: black 1pt solid; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent" width="177"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">Course Reserves Designation</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 7.8pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 235.3pt; border-bottom: black 1pt solid; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="5" width="392"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: normal; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 7.8pt; border-right: black 1pt solid; width: 109.95pt; border-bottom: black 1pt solid; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent" colspan="2" width="183"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15.75pt"> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 15.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 110.95pt; border-bottom: black 1pt solid; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="185"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">References</font></span></div> </td> </tr> </tbody>
</p><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><bstrong><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 107%; serif: ">The Atom of Evolution</span></bstrong><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 107%; serif: ">. <strong>&nbsp;</strong>Genomics &amp; Informatics, December <span style="color: red">2004</span>, 2(4):167-173.</span></p> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><strong><span style="color: black"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></strong></div> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><strong><span style="color: black"><font size="2">Genomic profile analysis of diffuse-type gastric cancers </font></spanspan></strong></p> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><strong><iem><span style="color: black"><font size="2">Genome Biology</font></span></iem></strong><strong><span style="color: black"><font size="2">, </font></span></strong><strong><span style="color: red">2014<font size="2">2014</font><//span></strong></div> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><strong><span style="font-weight: normal; color: black"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></strong></div> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt">><strong><span style="color: black"><font size="2">Minke whale genome and aquatic adaptation in cetaceans. </font></span></strong></p> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt"><iem>Nature Genetics</em>, &nbsp;<span style="serifcolor: red">2013<font size="2"/span>Nature Genetics. (24</fontsup>th</spansup>Nov 2013)</idiv> <span div style="serifmargin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><font size="2"strong>, </font><font sizespan style="2color:black">&nbsp;</font><span style="color: red"><font size="2"/strong>2013</fontdiv> <p></spanstrong><font sizespan style="2color:black">. (24Tiger genome and comparative analysis with lion and snow leopard genomes.</span></fontstrong><sup/p> <font sizediv style="2margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt">th</fontem>Nature Communications</supem>, &nbsp;<font sizespan style="2color:red"> Nov 2013)</fontspan>. Sep. 17<sup>th</spansup>.</div> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt12pt">&nbsp;<strong/div> <span div style="fontvertical-weightalign: baseline; background: normalwhite; colormargin: black"><font size="24.5pt 0cm; line-height: 13.5pt">&nbsp;</fontstrong></span></strong></div><p style="margincolor:black; font-size: 0cm 0cm 8pt11pt">Whole transcriptome analyses of six thoroughbred horses before and after exercise using RNA-Seq</span></strong><span /div> <div style="colorvertical-align: baseline; background: white; margin: 4.5pt 0cm; line-height: black13.5pt"><font size="2"strong>Tiger genome and comparative analysis with lion and snow leopard genomes.</fontem></span></strong>style="color:black; font-size:11pt">BMC Genomics</pspan><div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt"><i/em><span style="serifcolor: "><black; font -size="2:11pt">Nature Communications. &nbsp;</fontspan></spanstyle="color:red; font-size:11pt">2012 Sep </ispan><span style="serifcolor: "><black; font -size="2:11pt">, <12;13:473. doi: 10.1186/font><font size="2"1471-2164-13-473.</span></strong>&nbsp;</fontdiv> <span div style="colorword-break: redkeep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">2013&nbsp;</fontdiv> </span><font sizediv style="2word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%">. Sep. 17</font><sup><span style="font -size="2:16px">th[[Jong Bhak&#39;s Genomics Syllabus]]</fontspan></sup><font size="2">. </font></span></divdiv> <div style="word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt8pt; line-height: 160%">&nbsp;<span style="serif: "/div> <font size="2"p>&nbsp;</fontp> </span></div><div table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="verticalborder-aligncollapse: baseline; backgroundcollapse"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="height: white12.75pt; marginwidth: 4120.5pt 0cm75pt; linebackground-heightcolor: 13.5pttransparent"> <b><font sizediv style="6word-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black; serif: ">Whole transcriptome analyses of six thoroughbred horses before and after exercise using RNA-SeqGrading</span></fontdiv> </b></divtd> <div td style="vertical-align: baseline; background: white; margin: 4.5pt 0cm; line-heightcolor: 13.5pttransparent"> <b><font sizediv style="6margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt">&nbsp;</div> </td> </tr> <itr> <span td colspan="2" style="font-sizeheight: 11pt55.85pt; backgroundwidth: white505.5pt; background-color: black; serif: transparent">BMC Genomics </span></i><span div style="fontword-sizebreak: 11ptkeep-all; backgroundmargin: white0cm 0cm 8pt; colorline-height: black160%; seriftext-indent: 5pt">. &nbsp;</span><span stylestyle="font-size: 11pt; background: white; color: red; serif: ">2012 Sep Research report writing and presentation (100%)</span><span style=/div>  <p><span style="font-size: 11pt; background: white; color: black; serif: red">12;13:473. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-473Each week, before, class, students are asked to submit research reports on genomics topics.</span></fontp </bp></div><div span style="margincolor: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-allred">&nbsp;The final grade will be given by the quality of research reports and presentations (in English)</span></divp <div style="marginword-break: keep-all; margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; text-ms-word-breakindent: keep-all5pt">[[Jong Bhak's Genomics Syllabus]]</div><div span style="margincolor: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-allred">&nbsp;The important points of grading are:</span></div>  <p><table border="0" span style="border-collapsecolor: collapse" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0red"> 1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tbody/span> <tr span style="heightcolor: 12.75ptblack"> <td Being scientific in reasoning and presenting</span></p>  <p><span style="border-topcolor: rgb(0,0,0) 0pxred">2.&nbsp; height: 12.75pt&nbsp; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px&nbsp; width: 120.75pt&nbsp; border-bottom&nbsp; </span><span style="color: black 1pt solid; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left">Critical thinking level</span></p>  <p><span style="color: 1red">3.4pt&nbsp;&nbsp; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px&nbsp; padding-right: 1.4pt&nbsp; background-color: transparent&nbsp; border-image: none" width</span><span style="201color:black">Being independent in thinking</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <div td style="marginheight: 0cm 0cm 8pt12.75pt; line-heightwidth: 160%120.75pt; background-ms-color: transparent"> <div style="word-break: keep-all"><span style="color; margin: black0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%"><font sizespan style="2color:black">Grading</font>&nbsp;</span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; border-bottom: black 1pt solid; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="573"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 55.85pt"> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 55.85pt; border-right: black 1pt solid; width: 505.5pt; border-bottom: black 1pt solid; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: black 1pt solid; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" colspan="2" width="843"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; text-indent: 5pt; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">Research report writing and presentation (100%)</font></span></div> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; text-indent: 5pt; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">Each week, before, class, students are asked to submit research reports on genomics topics.</font></span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; text-indent: 5pt; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">The final grade will be given by the quality of research reports and presentations (in English)</font></span></p> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; text-indent: 5pt; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">The important points of grading are:</font></span></div> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt 41pt; line-height: 160%; text-indent: -18pt; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red; line-height: 160%"><span><font size="2">1.</font><span style="font: 7pt &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span></span><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%; serif: "><font size="2">Being scientific in reasoning and presenting</font></span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt 41pt; line-height: 160%; text-indent: -18pt; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red; line-height: 160%"><span><font size="2">2.</font><span style="font: 7pt &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span></span><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%; serif: "><font size="2">Critical thinking level</font></span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt 41pt; line-height: 160%; text-indent: -18pt; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: red; line-height: 160%"><span><font size="2">3.</font><span style="font: 7pt &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span></span><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%; serif: "><font size="2">Being independent in thinking</font></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt"> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; height: 12.75pt; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; width: 120.75pt; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 1.4pt; padding-top: 1.4pt; padding-left: 1.4pt; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 1.4pt; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="201"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt; line-height: 160%; -ms-word-break: keep-all"><span style="color: black; line-height: 160%"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></span></div> </td> <td style="border-top: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; border-right: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; border-bottom: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-bottom: 0cm; padding-top: 0cm; padding-left: 0cm; border-left: rgb(0,0,0) 0px; padding-right: 0cm; background-color: transparent; border-image: none" width="573"> <div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></div> </td> </tr> </tbody>
</p><div style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt"><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></div>
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