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How to Study Genomics

64 bytes added, 12:46, 28 February 2021
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<p><strong><span style="font-size:16px">You are asked to study Genomics&nbsp;(Everything will be done in English in my course)</span></strong></p>
<p>'''<span style="font-size:16px">You must [[be independent and critical in thinking]] processes</span><br /><br /><strong>1) You are asked to</strong><br />&nbsp;&nbsp; 1.1) Ask questions on genomics<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; 1.2) Present about study Genomics<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; 1.3) Write scientific papers (essays) about Genomics<br /><br /><strong>2) It is all up to you and it is your learning.</strong><br />&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.1) You must Everything will be active done in <strong>thinking</strong><br />&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.2) You must have &#39;true&#39; interest English in genomics (about genomics, issues of genomicsmy course)</pspan>'''
<pspan style="font-size:16px">You must [[Be_independent_and_critical_in_thinking|be independent and critical in thinking]] processes</span><br/> <br/> '''1) You are asked to'''<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; 1.1) Ask questions on genomics<br/> &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.2) Present about Genomics<br/> &nbsp; &nbsp;1.3) Write scientific papers (essays) about Genomics<span style="color:#FF0000"br/><strongbr/>[[Learn how '''2) It is all up to motivate yourself]]you and it is your learning.'''<br/strong></span>&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.1) You must be active in '''thinking'''<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.32) You must show your scientific ability have 'true' interest in every aspect genomics (about genomics, issues of your learning.</p>genomics)
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<pspan style="color:#FF0000"><strong>3) You need '''[[Learn_how_to_motivate_yourself|Learn how to make your own student folder entry on biolecturemotivate yourself]].org'''</strongspan><br/p>&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.3) You must show your scientific ability in every aspect of your learning.
<p>&nbsp; &nbsp;'''3.1) You need to put down make your attendance count on a page own student folder entry on You need to sign up and be able to edit Wiki pages.</p>'''
<p>&nbsp;</p>&nbsp;3.1) You need to put down your attendance count on a page on You need to sign up and be able to edit Wiki pages.
<hr /><p>[ How to write research paper University of Cambridge]</p>&nbsp;
<p>---- [ How to Write a Great Research Paper - YouTube]&nbsp;:&nbsp;<br/p>[ Microsoft Word - Textr 6th edition 2005.doc (]&nbsp; PDF &nbsp;