**Why not in Korea?** (presented by 김건우)
The reason of non-Nobel prize.
Mind and accent are important. (Presenter student said)
Accent makes their mind? But I don’t agree with him. I think the mind like confidence or brave mind make the accents. Accent can be changed with confidence.
Contribution (Jong said contribution is important.)
Student’s contribution makes the professor best or worst.
First thing is to check the scientific material correct or not.
Epigenomics => epi means outside
Epigenetic modification – play an important role in gene expression and regulation and are involved in numerous cellular processes such as in differentiation and development.
Q : DNA methyltransferase – human에겐 왜 없을까? , DNMT1
Imprinting – putting some tags, useful to transfer
Euchromatin vs heterochromatin = light & dark
Gram negative vs positive = color difference
How many DNA turns? About ten -> why ??
Histone tail – why is it present ? – The reason is not revealed
Histone modification is not random.
DNA methylation – studying 방법 => Sequencing or microarray
Bisulfite sequencing – About A,G,T is not discovered yet.
What makes protein more special? On and off by phosphorylation using ATP and phosphate groupt or others.
When you think about protein, thin about switch and energy.
Protein structure – crystallography, NMR and cryo- elecronmicroscopy.
Protein structure – ABC (A= a helix B= beta sheet, C=coil )
Coil is irregular. Coil is for binding with flexibility.
After translation , most proteins are modified by glycosylation, phosphorylation or sulfation.
Protein and ligand -> functions are starting!
Score is just a tool for evaluation ourselves not goal!