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The most important 20 words in my life

493 bytes added, 11:20, 10 June 2016
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<p><font face="Arial">When I&#39;ve met the computer language at the first time, it seems very similar to the gene sequence. When I program something, I felt like being a geneticist/genetic engineer. These similarity attracted me to the world of the computer science and let me keep the interst to the both biology and computer science until now.</font></p>
<p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">17.Scientific Method</span></p>
<p>-One powerful logic that makes science better than other way of explaining the world.</p> <p>Science is one of the strongest way of explaining the world. As it gets stronger, the other way of explaining the world accept the science, especially the scientific method. The best case for this accpetance is the social science. The scientific method makes science be&nbsp;science. The dense logic at the basement of the scientific method really attracted me and maybe many other people&nbsp;dreaming scientists.</p>
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