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BioOriginality Principle

2,274 bytes added, 12:23, 9 November 2008
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/FCKeditor/editor/css/fck_editorarea.css" /><font size="5"><strong>BioOriginality Principle.<br />
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</strong></font><font size="3">BioOriginality states that any original information materials are in fact the product of previous data, information and knowledge.&nbsp;<br />
Therefore, the origin of any kind of mental work can not be claimed and dedicated solely to one person.<br />
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This in practical terms means that there is<strong> no &quot;founding father&quot;</strong> for knowledge.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
The term BioOriginality is tightly associated with <a href="" title="BioLicense">BioLicense</a>.<br />
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In practice, if any web site, media,&nbsp;or an intellectual project on Earth&nbsp;is under BioLicense (hence under BioOriginality Principle), there is no <strong>'original'</strong> founder.&nbsp;<br />
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Any present and future person/people is the &quot;<a href="" title="Perpetual founder">perpetual founder</a>&quot; of the project. For example, the original BioPerl project license said that anyone who edited a single character of the BioPerl module becomes the owner and main participant of the BioPerl. Any active person in such a project is effectively the founder (as intellectual properties keep changing and even evolving).<br />
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<strong>BioLicense is under BioLicense</strong>.&nbsp;<br />
Therefore, the founder of BioLicense, and any other projects that uses BioLicense,&nbsp;is YOU who is reading and contributing in anyway and affects the world in an indirect and direct way in the future.</font>&nbsp;<br />
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<strong><font size="5">See also</font></strong><br />
<font size="3">[ Biooriginality]: This is the prime site for biooriginality concept.<br />
[]: Synthetivity is a term to replace creativity. Nothing is created in this universe but only synthesized.</font><br />
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