20090716: Navigenics Lowers Health Compass Price to $999 USD. [1]
20090716: Celera Uses Automated Workflows for Genomics [2]
20090716: Genomes Of Parasitic Flatworms Decoded: Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum [3]
20090716: Exxon join with DNA pioneer to develop algae biofuels
20090715: Pathway Genomics starts the Direct-to-Consumer Genomics service as 23andme and Decodeme [4]
20090714: OryzaSNP Consortium IDs Thousands of Variants in Rice Genome: [5]
20090630: Genomic linkage map of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni: Genome Biology 2009, 10:R71doi:10.1186/gb-2009-10-6-r71
20090603: Neanderthal genome sequeced by MPI Germany and Roche
20090601: Microsoft buys Rosetta Biosoftware from Merck. Merck becomes the client of Microsoft.
20090526: The first Korean Genome Sequence analysis result published in Genome Research article
20081204: Korean Genome Publicized
2007: 복지부 유전체 사업 갈팡질팡