Dulguun Baasan
2023.03 - current MSc Biological Sciences, UNIST, South Korea
2018.08 - 2022.08 BS Biological Sciences & Human Factor Engineering, UNIST, South Korea
2015.02 - 2018.02 High school diploma, KSA, South Korea
Research Experience
2021.07 - current In Schärer lab, working on DNA double strand break repair pathway studies UNIST, IBS-CGI, South Korea
2022.02 - 2023.02 In BCI lab, worked on decision making in interactive storytelling studies UNIST, South Korea
2020.10 - 2021.02 In CDC Mongolia, worked on national COVID-19 vaccination data and reports Mongolia
Research Area
DNA maintenance and genomic integrity, cancer biology, genetic andn molecular studies of cancer