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UNIST Omics special lecture 2018

Revision as of 15:04, 16 July 2018 by imported>S

UNIST Omics special course 2018 is organized by Jong Bhak

Description of Omics course  |   How to study Omics?  |   Omics Students Folder

UNIST Omics course Syllabus 2018: on Evolution


The following topics are in the course (General Omics course):

What is evolution?


Videos to watch:

Video for the course. Dr. Joyner 2016:

by Michael Joyner 2015:

Denis Noble:  on the impact of computational biology on evolutionary biology



Omics course homework guide  |  Description of Omics course  |  Omics Course Grading

How to write a scientific essay?

What are good motivations for an active participation in classes and research?

How to grade this course by Jong Bhak


Other links

UNIST Omics course

UNIST Genomics lecture

UNIST Bioinformatics course

List of omics student emails