UNIST Genomics course
UNIST genomics course is organized by Jong Bhak
Description of Genomics course | How to Study Genomics | Teach/Genomics FTP
The following topics are in the course:
DNA, RNA, Codon, Sequencing, PCR
What is the philosophy of genomics?
Fundamentals of genomics || What is the meaning of genotype, envirotype, and phenotype
What are the principles of genomics?
What are key technologies of genomics?
What is the future of genomics?
Geromics: Aging
How can genomics contribute to the universe?
What specific problems are in genomics?
What are the most important things in genomics?
Genomics course homework guide
How to write a scientific essay?
What are good motivations for an active participation in classes and research?
How to grade this course by Jong Bhak
To General Genomics course