Question box
1. What is history of life?
2. How does adaption evolve?
quesiton of evolution
1. What is necessary to make a new species?
- How many genes?
How much of the genome needs to diverge in order to create a new species?
- What type of genes?
What sort of genes/genomic regions are contained within 'highly divergent part of the genome'?
- Where are they located in the genome?
2. Denovo evolution or standing variation?
3. Pathogen can be clues to detect evolution. Malaria in Human evolution.
- Malaria study in natural selection.
- Characterize genomic variation. Search for signals of genome evolution
- Sequence drug resistance strain. Figure out where are most diverse region. -> 논문 : Variation data reveals drug resistance genes
1. More data+genome sequencing is helping to resolve fundamental questions in evolutionary biology
- Phylogenetic relationships
- Evolution of adaptive traits
- Human evolution/ demography
2. New problems
- Function of adaptive loci
- Demographic methods
- Lots of data
How can 16S RNA sequencing being central method of identifying species in microbiome?