Essay 1 by DY
Why korean student so quite and passive in class?
"Just do study, do not question about needless things" this is the answer when i question about Himalayan rabbit changes their hair color black different with polar bear in biology class high school. I had many curious things and want to know about that kinds of things. But many teachers couldn't answer about it because they don't think about that. Some good teachers stduy with me to find the answer of my question but almost teachers couldn't answer the question and they don't want to show their ignorance to student so they answer like that.
What is the problem in this situation ? Authoritative is problem. Korean teachers are autoritative so they didn't accept their mistake so they ignore. It gives student that they are wrong or doing mistake. but the problem is not this. the real problem is this situation makes the other students think that behavior is worng and strange.
Is autoritative is only one problem of this situation? No. there are many problems remain. Korean society developed very fast and in this situation people have to make positive result always. it affect to education. Parents want to raise their children just have good point in the exam. They don't have enough time to real study. They don't have enough time to thinking. in this situation they study 12 years. They don't have to question because they didn't think they just accept the words that teacher said.
All actions are results of experience. We have to change education system.
Then why student are so quite and passive in bioinformatic class ?
Dr,.Bhak is not autoritative at all.